New York Institute of Art and Design (NYIAD)
Assignment Eight
Bonus Project: A Digital Planner
This was my final assignment for my NYIAD coursework. The only requirement was that it be produced using the Photoshop and Illustrator skills taught during the graphic design course. The use of mock-ups counted as an additional bonus.
My planner was built in Illustrator and filled out in Photoshop. The butterflies on the divider page are a repeat pattern built in Illustrator. The cover is one of my original photographs taken in the Adirondacks on Lake George in Upstate New York. The colors within the image provided the color scheme for the planner. Mock-ups are from DesignCuts and prepared using Photoshop Smart Objects.

NYIAD Assignment Eight Bonus Project
A Digital Planner
Divider Page

NYIAD Assignment Eight Bonus Project
A Digital Planner
Divider Page featuring butterfly repeating pattern created in Illustrator